Happy Week ! is officially accomplished!!
My companion Sister Lavea and I have been really busy finding ward members, active- non active, new members, investigators, referrals, and etc. We are setting up appointments left and right for FHE and to come back to teach them a principle of the Gospel or something like that and..... it just has been a real good busy week.
In my personal study I have been learning a lot. Crazy how if you start with an answer you can receive personal revelation that day or the next. I feel more confident, loved, and good no great! What I have focusing on lately is developing to become like my Savior and they attitude he has for others and I found this talk- Truly Good and Without Guile - Elder Michael T. Ringwood. Love it and he shared a story about one of the Alma's sharing council to his sons, one of them named Shilbon and he is a great example of doing service and not seeking glory.I also read Seeking the Lord- Elder Jose A. Teixeria and I love this- " Let us not leave fortwhat we can do today. It is now that we must come unto christ because" if [we] believe [Him], [we] will labor while it is called today. I love that.
Through this week we had appointments from the previous days and these lessons along with many others form the Book of Mormon has helped me talk with others that has tied into the lessons!!! The Lord really does help and works through you. We have a new investigator but we might have to hand her over to the other elders because she isn't Tongan etc.
Learning Tongan is fun and takes time but I am doing great - at least my companion and the ward members say I am. Brother Ofa always laughs when I try to say things to him because he understands but it is so broken any way they help. They also call me sister palangi which is sister white girl. HAHaa so funny. So here is some of what I know. Oku Fuka fie fiake fe' i loaki mo. koe. ( pleased to meet you. I think I already said some other stuff in my last email. Just tell me what you want me to know so I could learn it and tell you it. I had to speak in ward council in Tongan- just a scripture but... laughs and giggles from the leaders but it is really cool because I am getting the feeling of what it is saying. Love the power of the Holy Ghost!!
I'll post more pictures next week but I just want to say I know this church is true and that the Book of Mormon is true and that we are blessed to have a living prophet today to provide council. I love Our Savior and everything that he did for us!
Well sooooooo much has happened. Well not soo much but a lot!!!
We are visiting/ finding investigators which is taking a long time because we were both shotgunned into the area and... Tongan families are huge and they live with other families and their siblings raise their kids so, we don't know where they are but we are going, going strong.
So I am driving and the California drivers -- ARE CRAZY!!! And it is really FAST PACE!! And I have to go on the FREEWAY -- ALOT -- because our area is huge!! But back to the story the police sectioned part of this road to check for drunk driving so they saw that I was from Georgia and asked for me to do an accent and saw my name tag- he was a nice police officer. So we had to stop again for them to see some more things and he waved us through saying nice people.
I love it out here!! And I love having the spirit with me all the time. I see more blessing for me, my companion, you and the family, and just other people --- It's crazy!!