Sunday, March 6, 2016

Letters from last weeks in Tala Ofa

Hello everyone!! This week has gone by sooooooo fast.   I do not know what to think. One of the members of the Ward comes up to me and says - Sister Hyde you are about a 1/3 done with your mission. My eyes got huge! I wish I could start all over again because I love being out here, teaching those who want to follow our Savior's example, those that slam their doors in our face, those who just smile, those wave as they pass by and say no thanks, those that say Sisters!!! They always make my day. This week we did a lot for our investigator Zach. He is
awesome but this week was rough for him. He had the desire to be baptized at the beginning when we first started to meet with him but then he started to just say he "doesn't know" and then to it turned to "No". I just started crying.  Sister Lavea and I just bore our testimonies and
testified that Jesus Chirst, is our Savior and as we lean on him and follow his example, our lives will be blessed greatly. I have felt the Spirit strong before and I felt it there. Two days later we got to talk to him after he attended an eight year old baptism and he commitment himself to be baptized this upcoming Saturday! How amazing is the Spirit!  And in the the Lords work we are truly just the instruments He uses to help those come closer to him.  We had exchanges this week and I stayed in my area with Sister Thompson and she is very sweet.
Ofa atu! Love you
Hope you all will have a great week
Love Sister Hyde

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This week has gone by soooooooooooooo fast! I looked back at our planner book of last week and we did a lot but it feels like we haven't. 
Our investigator Zach was going to get baptized but decided to move to Florida this week and continue the missionaries discussions there and get baptized down there later this year. I didn't want him to move but I am glad that he is moving back to his family and going
to continue to build his relationship with our Heavenly Father.  

Our teaching pool hasn't been big since the beginning and at one point we had about 7 people we have been teaching and then this week and some of last week they all dropped us. They told us they weren't ready to  continue try back later- in a few weeks, or they would never answer our calls or texts, we would come by to the house and the the house would be loud walking up then when we knock or ring the house is like a abandoned house... Funny huh?

Anyway the work is going by super slow but it is going and that is what counts right, trying to do or just to do your best for the Lord in His work. We went by some Samoan families
and took a member -Sister Aieti --  out with us and she is a born convert missionary! Now those families want us to come back and talk to them more.... I still don't know what goes on because they talk in Samoan the whole time but I pray to know what they are saying. Then at the end I bear my testimony. That is all I can do but it is important, if they know that I am there trying to understand and bear testimony of the truth that I know then I know that the spirit will be there and the spirit is what changes hearts.

I had a spiritual experience happen to me this week that allow me to know for a fact that our Heavenly Father really does love us and our Savior, Jesus Chrsit loves us soooo much too! I know that they will always be there for us know matter how alone, hurt, insecure we may
be. I know that the power of fasting is sooo important. When we give up somethings g worldly like food and water for a period of time we can gain so much spiritually through pray and study as we fast.

Sister Lavea and I have started a volleyball night Thursday and Friday for our members to invite in-actives and nonmembers to and it is booming! We have a lot of new faces showing up and hopefully we get to teach them soon.

Love ya'all
Sister Hyde

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