This week has been very awesome,
interesting, and amazing!!
First week of the transfer and
already there have been some crazy events.
for this awesome training we planned and it was going real great until we went tot the baptismal font room and there is this little girl waiting for activity days. Then we see little boys in the other room for zone training for scouts. So we well.. I freaked out and hurried and took everything down. We even set up a maze for our urgency role play in the gym. But the next morning we came early set everything back up and it was good to go! It was a great success! I hope that the missionaries we gave the training to -- went away knowing that we are here to love the Lord and we need to be urgent in his work because 1 John 4:19
"We love him, because he first loved us."
We met with Samantha quite a bit this week to prepare her for her baptism on Saturday. She is so prepared.
So.... Samantha got baptized Saturday and before her baptism she was pacing the floor just really nervous and
then when it came time for her to actually do the ordinance -- she was calm.
She bore her testimony at her baptism and said that she was really nervous but now she feels renewed and peace. She knew that it was the Holy Ghost!
What the spirit was so strong at that time! President and Sister Jardine was able to attend and say some remarks and it was awesome! In fact all the talks were amazing and so personal to Samantha!
I can't wait to see where she goes in the Gospel! She is already an example to many!
We did service this week mostly shoveling and transferring wood chips.
It is fun to get out and do service! I love it a lot!
We had stake conference this week and
it focused a lot about being obedient to our covenants that we made with our Father in Heaven
and the importance of families.
The first principle however to these topics was faith and confidence in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
I so agree. If I didn't have faith in Him and in what He has done -- life hard would be hard.
I would have no comfort.
I know that His sacrifice was made for us -- is for us everyday
-- to become like him, live in happiness in peace no matter what is going on in the world,
and to live with our Heavenly Father again.
What I also got from stake conference is to make the temple a priority in my life no matter what!
Elder Rasband, asked how that young man was doing,
-- not what his calling was,
not what job/money he had achieved
but wanted to know if he was still faithful to our Savior?
What an awesome question. Is he still faithful?
Are we still faithful to him?
Then that night we were getting ready for a leadership WebEx meeting and we get a call from the Northridge sisters saying that Sister McDonald fell off her bike.
Her arm was broken!
Sister Munk made a make-shift sling out of pajama pants while Sister Kirby and I put the bikes on the rack
and got everything in place for Sister McDonald.
We rushed her to the emergency room and it was sad, but we were trying to make it a light mood ---
so we were smiling.
Hurrah for Isreal!
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